In Historical Pursuit of Armine Nutting Gosling

Date: Apr 2
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Where: Theatre

In Historical Pursuit of Armine Nutting Gosling, Her Life and Achievements as the Newfoundland Women's Suffrage Leader

Though she did not act alone, and had able women surrounding her, Armine Nutting Gosling was the respected leader of the women's suffrage movement in Newfoundland.

What have been the challenges in reconstructing her life? How did she develop her progressive vision of what votes for women might accomplish? Why does she deserve to be honored and remembered with a statue on the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage? Join Dr. Margot Duley to find out more about Armine Nutting Gosling and her accomplishments.

Tickets: $12 plus HST. Free for Rooms Members. Get your tickets online or by calling (709)757-8090.

About the speaker:

Author, Dr. Margot Duley has written extensively about the history of women’s movements, particularly in India, the United States and Newfoundland, and international women’s alliances. She is co-editor and contributor to the Cross-Cultural Study of Women, and author of Where Once Our Mothers Stood We Stand: Women’s Suffrage in Newfoundland 1890-1925

Events & Programs

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Winter may be here, but there’s no need to stay home! Join us at The Rooms to exercise and socialize during this colder and drearier time of year.

While strolling throughout the building and enjoying both the exhibits and the views, participants may focus on a different theme from our collection each week. After our stroll, staff will lead a brief discussion on the weekly theme, and then everyone is encouraged to stay and socialize with friends new and old.

No registration is needed. Included with the cost of admission ($7.80 plus HST for seniors), free for members.

Please wear or bring appropriate shoes.

For further information, please contact

6:00 pm - 6:30 pm

In Beaumont-Hamel and the Trail of the Caribou exhibition find out about the impacts of the First World War on Newfoundlanders and Labradorians and how events overseas dramatically altered our lives at home.

Tour is approximately 30 – 40 minutes and included in the cost of admission.