Date: Aug 18
12:00 pm
- 5:00 pm
Where: Theatre
Join us for daily showings of the films katatjanik utippalianinga (The Return of Throat Singing), Handcrafted Hopedale, and Home: Stories of Newcomers to Newfoundland and Labrador. Now playing on loop in our theatre. katajanik utippalianinga (The Return of Throat Singing): This film explores throat singing- a special talent and traditional game for both fun and public entertainment, which was nearly destroyed but has since been revived. Handcrafted Hopedale: This film focuses on three prominent local craftspeople- two carvers and one traditional sewist. Home: Stories of Newcomers to Newfoundland and Labrador: This 25 minute documentary features firsthand accounts of arrival, integration and settlement in St. John's, Corner Brook, Gander and Labroador City. Time: During opening hours (some exceptions may apply)